Hi! The last few weeks have been so rough. Work got more interesting, but also quite a bit harder and extremely frustrating. Sheldon started pretty much working full time between all his thousand jobs. We're trying to implement a "no screen from 6pm to 8pm" policy in the house to make more family time and to keep Evy from doing nothing but watching. It's spring, so weekends are absolutely packed with fun things to do, and also a few obligatory things. In all this most of my exercising and all of my dieting has gone out the window. I don't know how many weeks it's been since we've been grocery shopping. This morning for breakfast I literally had half a chicken burrito and a handful of Easter candy. I realize it's Wednesday and I didn't bring my gym clothes to work either. It's also weigh in day, and I'm sure I've gained again this week.
So basically I need to get back on the wagon, like, um, now. Didn't I say something about getting back on the wagon in the last post? Well I think I got run over by it instead. It's a good bit like addiction. I have to take each meal as it comes. I may as well start now. I'll be getting the 7 point pasta primavera bowl for lunch, even though I really want the chicken pesto sandwich! Hold me to that OK? It sucks because any time between now and lunch I could cave and talk myself into that yummy chicken sandwich instead. In some ways it's even worse than addiction, because I can NOT remove myself from food. When I quit smoking it was REALLY hard, but I was able to remove myself from situations where I would want to smoke. Trying to eat correctly is like quitting smoking with a pack of ciggs and a lighter in my purse, and someone asking me to go have a smoke with them three times a day.
So, Burning Man news now, eh? We have a place to camp, I think. Well, I'm pretty sure. I asked a friend if it was possible to camp with them, and he said yes and put us on their google group. The trouble is I'm unclear who actually has a say in who can and can't camp with the group, so I'm worried there is some big conversation about it going on behind our backs about why we were let in, and maybe there's not enough room, or they think we're clueless or annoying and would rather us go elsewhere. Inside my head is an awful place to be sometimes, I'm pretty sure everything is just fine...logically.
I did NOT get my bicycle fixed before March 31. I did stop at the local bike store yesterday for a part I need, but they close at 6 and it was 6:05.
I'm now planning to also build something lighty and electronic. I think it will be an LED cube. That's within my ability. I just hope it's within my time! I keep meaning to research this in the couple hours of leisure time I have in the evenings, but by that time I'm pretty scattered and just end up chatting with friends and browsing facecrack.
I've also been thinking about clothes. There are some playa-wear pinterest boards, but they are for small people. It will be very hard to buy the things I need while retaining a proper playa style. I want to be well equipped and also not lame and dorky!
Why does Blogger say the word "playa" is spelled wrong? I'm quite sure it's a word!