Saturday, September 14, 2013

Fat chick Burning Man Attire and Beauty.

If you've been reading you'll remember that I was SUPER worried about what sort of clothes and shoes I'd wear out on the playa.  I ended up buying some nylon tube top dress things and was worried about not wearing a bra or whatnot.  The two long dresses I bought were a fail.  They were almost to the ground and kind of hot and I had to tie them up shorter in knots to ride my bike or do any meaningful work.  The shorter dress was a win.  I think the two long ones may get new lives as knee-length ones soon.  I was short on clothes but serendipitously found that I really liked wearing a pretty bra and ruffle-butt bloomers.  No once seemed to be throwing up or anything, but I have no idea what it looked like.  Mirrors are rare out there.  When I was out exploring I got more attention when I wore less, so that was fun too.

My $140 boots I got, I think I might take them back.  I wore them one day with two sets of squishy heel stuff in them and my heels still hurt if I stood more than a half hour or so.  Is it ethical to take them back because my particular feet hurt in them?  It's not like the shoes are defective in any way.  I ended up wearing athletic shoes.

My nails held up like a charm!  I had them done as short as aesthetically possible and told the technician I was going camping.  He put some extra hard gel stuff on them and had no problems.

My hair, oy.  I had no idea it would do this, but it dried up and frizzed into this unrecognizable curl-tangle I could barely get a brush through.  The playa took much of the purple and all I could do was scrape it into a pony tail.  Camp mate Stacy had braids done before she came, and that looked like it worked out much better.

I've been back for 2 weeks and my skin is still messed up and weirdly thickened on the back of my calves.  It took a week of prescription cream steroid to get rid of the rash on my arms.  I'm sure I got a big vitamin D boost and I have a respectable tan.  When I put my regular powder on my face now it looks like playa dust against my skin.  I guess I'll pay for that with a few more wrinkles.

I took a whole sack of makeup to wear out there, but all I ever used was lip balm, sunscreen (sometimes), and moisturizer.

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