Thursday, February 14, 2013

I'm Straight!

I'm not proclaiming my sexual orientation, that's a bit more complicated.  I'm proclaiming my posture.  Before I started exercising I was noticing and lamenting that I was getting a slight hunchback.  My neck has almost always stuck out forward from reading too much as a kid, but I was getting a hump, like a camel or something.  If I stood with my back against a wall I almost couldn't make my head touch the wall.

Now after a few weeks of exercising that hump is almost completely gone.  My back is straight and I can easily put my back to a wall and touch my head to it.  I think my core was so weak that my front was pulling my spine forward or something.

Also, my boobs precede me when I walk instead of my tummy, probably as a result of the straightening.  Unfortunately, my boobs aren't filling my bra now either.  I'm afraid I'm going to be the only gigantic girl with a B cup in existence.  Lane Bryant barely even carries 42B.  By the time I lose all the weight I think I'll have to roll them up, such will be the status of my udders. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Wow, that was easy, or I was lucky, or I did my research and did it right, or something.  I got tickets to Burning Man within 20 minutes of queuing.  Seven hundred something dollars for the pair, but I tried not to look.

So we're (me and my husband) are going!  Now All I have to do is...everything!  Now I have to start sourcing camping stuff appropriate to the nasty harsh environment there.  I'd love to build a little swamp cooler.  I'm really not fond of extreme heat, and I'm guessing that sleeping will happen in the hottest bits.  I also need clothes, and lots of plastic bins, and a car capable of holding all of it and getting there! Our car should be fixed soon even if we don't have a new one, but I'm concerned about getting everything in it for a week's worth of survival.  It's just a Honda Civic, and when we camp for just 4 days at a place with running water and showers it's stuffed full!  I'll have to do some downsizing and arranging.

I got tickets though!  This is going to happen.


11:57...nervous, how many hours will I have to sit here clicking?  Perhaps I should have eaten breakfast.  Trying to get tickets in three minutes.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Down Wit Da Sickness

Meh, everyone's been getting sick around here, but I just got fairly mild cold.  I felt it coming on Friday afternoon and resolved to sleep a lot, take vitamin C, and stay in the warm house all weekend.  I did that, plus worked from home Monday to make sure I was past the contagious stage, and today I feel a lot better!  I still have something that may be an ear infection plus some lingering bronchial and sinus issue, but I think the worst is over.

My diet went totally out the window for the last 4 days though!  I ate all sorts of stuff and I'm not sure why.  I may have been looking for something to make me feel better, or maybe I was using it as an excuse to eat badly?  I had a lot of won ton soup which wasn't too bad, but I also had an In N Out burger, and some junk food from 7-11, including a favorite sore throat sick drink, Slurpees.

I didn't track my food at all the last 4 days either.  I got an "OMG what happened?" automatic email from weight watchers for it too, encouraging me to not be discouraged and start tracking again.

I'm back on the wagon today though!  It's nice and warm enough that I think I'll do my walking today too.  I see a chicken sandwich for 9 points at the cafeteria, I'll probably have that for lunch. 

I'm REALLY glad I'm going to miss my weigh-in tomorrow.  It's Burning Man ticket day, and I have the day off to try and get a couple!  Hopefully by next week I can erase whatever this little mishap did to the scale.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy Post (except for that kitten)

Wow, way to be all bummed and leave you hanging.  Sorry about that.  Right after I wrote that I went off to exercise, and there was someone in the gym I knew.  We chatted while we worked out and afterwards I felt much happier.  Then I thought about it and realized I've been feeling happy and content after working out in general.  I think that's a good bonus, and something to look forward to when I get the "I don't wanna"s.

I sure hope this time I can get my new exercise habit to stick.  This is the second time that I've started to like exercising a little.  The first time I was doing really well and then we had to move, then I changed jobs to one with a two hour commute each way, then we got married, and then we moved again, all in six months.  I tried to keep going to the gym but it was just too hard to keep a decent schedule so I went less and less and quit the gym membership with the last move a year ago.

I've lost 3.6 pounds since last week.  I feel so much better after a bigger loss.  It feels like all my work and deprivation did something.  When I lose a pound in a week it's like, I've lost a newborn kitten's worth of flesh, big deal.  If I lose 3.6 pounds in a week, that's, what's 3.6 pounds....uh, three point six kittens worth of flesh!  Aw, now I feel sorry for that 6/10 of a kitten.

Also, to prove that this is not just a diet blog:  We registered to get Burning Man tickets today!  I have next Wednesday off.  Yeah, I might have just tried to get tickets from work, but I might get too busy to keep hitting refresh or whatever you have to do.  Plus, I haven't taken a vacation day off since early September, so I think it's OK.

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Fattest Girl In The Room

It's hard always looking around and noticing I'm the fattest girl in the room.  I'm the fattest girl by 100 pounds in my Zumba class, the fattest one in my department at work, probably on my whole floor.  I'm the fattest girl in the gym, the fattest out of all my friends, and the fattest girl in my family.  Even when I look through the Weight Watcher's success stories I can't find anyone that's lost as much weight as I need to lose. 

It kind of sucks; it's hard on the self esteem.  I don't eat much more than many people I know, and I don't exercise much less, but I'm the fat one.  My poor daughter's growing up the same way, and I know it will be hard for her too, just as it was for my mother.  Knowing I'd do very well in a famine doesn't help much when I throw away more uneaten food and leftovers from my fridge each week than many people get to eat.  Knowing that the only people who truly find my body beautiful are fetishists doesn't help much either (though I'm grateful for those of you who might be reading!).

It's been a hard week after last week.  I've been staying within my points allowance but I keep getting discouraged, and having tiny binges and then having to eat vegetables with vinegar for supper because I'm out of points for the day.  Yesterday and today I didn't walk at lunch.  I was too busy yesterday with work and today I went to Target at lunch instead.  I have kept up my MWF gym work though.  I'm going there now.  I've also increased the gym time a bit from 20-30 minutes on WF, and doing the hour of Zumba on Monday, so that's one positive thing at least I've done this week.