Monday, June 24, 2013

And then I Did the Opposite

So this morning at 7am, I crawled back into bed and refused to get up, and I shouted things like, "Tooooo tired!" and "I dun wanna!"  It wasn't my proudest moment.  Likewise at work, I intended to walk around the campus twice at lunchtime, but everything took FOREVER.  I barely had time to grab food and bring it back to my desk.  Then I worked kind of late, and I swear it was one of those days where I worked all day and didn't actually even start on the things I *intended* to get done today.
Now it's bedtime and I haven't done any meaningful exercise.  Oddly though, I'm 10 points under goal as far as food.  *shrugs*  Also, I didn't do any Burning Man prep, so meh.  One thing I did do though is look into counseling, which is probably something I've been needing to do for at least 20 years or more, and never have actually gotten around to.  Pity the poor intern or whomever gets me as a client!

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