Saturday, January 19, 2013


Weekends are hardest for me as far as eating correctly.

On weekdays I typically grab an egg mcmuffin for breakfast (I know, it's not diet food, but it is the healthiest fast food breakfast sandwich at 300 Cal), then go to my work cafeteria for a healthy lunch, and then try to make or have something for dinner which fits within whatever Weight Watchers  points I have left for the day, and sometimes I have three or four points left for a small sweet or snack at night.

Weekends are all forked up.  I get up at odd times, scratch up whatever's in the house for breakfast, and then anything can happen.  We might go out or go to a friend's, or we may have friends over.  Alcohol flows, and alcohol is fattening!  Desserts happen, or restaurants.

I try hard to plan for the things that I know are happening.  If I know I'm going out for a meal I'll look up the restaurant online and see if I can find or estimate the nutritional values.  Then I look up the menu and decide what I'm having ahead of time, and budget the rest of the day's points around that.

Today I slept really late and so I just skipped a whole meal.  It turns out that it worked out really well as far as my Weight Watchers points.  It's been easy to stay within my allotted points because I got to add a whole half a meal worth of food to the other two meals.

Tomorrow's going to be trickier.  We're going to a small party that starts at 2pm, and it's a Happy Hour kind of theme, so there will be lots of snack food and plenty of alcohol.  We're going to bring ribs, but I secretly don't really like ribs much.  I think I may skip breakfast and have a filling healthy lunch before I go.  That way I'll be able to have a drink or two, and just have tastes of food.  Then later I'll try to estimate what I ate and drank and see if there are enough for dinner, or if I'll have to resort to greens with vinegar (zero Weight Watchers points).

Wish me luck!

Oh, I got a neat tip from a co-worker on Friday.  I don't like blueberries much because they're so bland, but she said to mix them into yogurt.  I just tried it with vanilla yogurt and it was awesome!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awww, I didn't know you don't like ribs. We should have gotten something you like.
